Message From Director

Shri. Mohanraamkumar Jayaraman Director Cum CEO is an Automobile Engineer who has dedicated the past 22 years of his career to social activism on this island. His extensive experience spans various sectors, including women empowerment, promotion of Self Help Groups (SHGs), microcredit initiatives, development of microenterprises, livelihood promotion, community development, rural development, Youth Development and Dairy development. Through his work, he has played a crucial role in fostering positive change and sustainable development in these diverse areas.
Smti. A. Meenambal, M.A., B.Ed., is a distinguished individual and serves as one of the co-founder of the Vidya Yuvakendra Foundation with an extensive expect in family counseling, women empowerment, and livelihood sectors, she brings over 15 years of valuable contribution to her role. She demonstrated her expertise and commitment to making a positive impact in areas crucial to community development. Her proficiency in family counseling reflects a deep understanding of interpersonal relationships, providing support and guidance to individuals and families facing various challenges.

About The Organisation
VYK, a Non-Governmental Organization founded in 2015 within the Indian Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, is dedicated to creating opportunities for unemployed youth. The organization aims to open pathways towards promising avenues, offering avenues for personal and professional growth to address the challenges of unemployment among the youth in the region.
VYK, registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013, strives to enhance the skills of young individuals by integrating contemporary technology and governmental initiatives. Through vocational courses and capacity-building programs, the organization endeavors to empower youth with skills and confidence, recognizing their significant role in bolstering a nation’s economic strength. Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 pertains to non-profit organizations, ensuring that their primary objective is to promote charitable or social causes, and any profits generated are utilized for the organization’s objectives rather than being distributed among members.