The farmers indulged in Dairy Farming were facing problems for paddy straw in A & N Islands due to the scarcity and cost, post Tsunami occurred during December 2004. The situation has alarmed to think about for an alternative dry fodder in place of paddy straw. The A & N Administration, Department of Animal and husbandry and ICAR-CIARI were also concerned on this issue ad working hard to resolve the crisis.
The main innovator “National Institute of Animal Nutrition & Physiology”, Bangalore has proved that the dried Areca sheath after shredding to smaller piece can be used for feeding Livestock cattle, sheep, goat and Buffalo. NIANP has launched this innovation in South Karnataka successfully.
Vidya Yuvakendra Foundation came out with the innovative of “Areca sheath and alternative dry fodder for livestock “at a very cheap cost the idea to produce dry fodder utilizing the areca sheath was a boon to the farmers given by the nature. This was very innovative idea for the farmers because the areca plantations are available abundantly all over the Andaman Nicobar Islands.



- Small and Marginal Farmers
- land less farmers
- Unemployed youth
- Areca Farm owners and
- Self- Help Groups
Innovation in:
- Objective: Raise awareness among dairy farmers about producing dry fodder from dried areca sheaths.
- Purpose: Mitigate the scarcity of fodder.
Initiative Details:
- Collaboration: VYK (organization/company) in partnership with NIANP (National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology), Bangalore.
- Future Impact: Within five years, this initiative is expected to foster significant growth in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, ensuring there will be no fodder crisis in the region.
VYK Initiative has produced result in terms of CSR Funds and leased by ANIDCO to purchase three Dry Fodder Shredding Machine for Kadamthala Panchayat, Shivpuram Panchayat & Kishori Nagar Panchayat.