Vidya Yuvakendra Foundation, Pathergudda, Bathu Basthi in collaboration with NABARD have organized a livestock mela at Indra Nagar, Humfrygunj on 11-03-2023 for he farmers residing in and around of Indra Nagar and nearby villages of Guptapara and Wandoor panchayats.
The main motive of organizing the Livestock Mela by the NABARD and this Kendra was to create an enthusiasm among the farmers and emphasize them to unite together for exchange different species of cattle and birds and ideas of rearing the cattle by adopting scientific technology to increase their livestock production to cater the supply and demand of the market. The production in the livestock sector by the local farmers of A&N Islands is inadequate to meet the requirement of market. The aim and objective of this Mela was to create a platform for sales and purchase of livestock by the farmers to earn profit without any mediator.
The Director ,(ICAR_CIARI), A&N Islands welcomed the initiative of Vidya Yuvakendra Foundation with the support of NABARD and assured to send the Team of Scientists to conduct the Mela for the benefit of the farmers.
The Regional Manager, SBI and the Manager (Lead Bank), SBI have assured their participation in the Livestock Mela to provide services to the farmers. The Managing Director, A&N state Cooperative Bank Ltd. Also assured to send their staff for participation in the Mela to provide services to the farmers.
Our Kendra planned to conduct this Mela at Indira Nagar, Humfrigunj which is a Diary Hub consisting around 350-400 milking cows, Besides to provide the services for sales and purchase, awareness on feed management loan facilities, Health Camp and also give away prizes to the Best Dairy Farmers.
We have given wide publicity in the print media, All India Radio, Doordarshan, fixing of banners in various prominent locations of Guptapara, Humfrigunj and Wandoor Panchayat. Hand Bills have been distributed to the farmers of the above said are to disseminate information about main effective of conducting the Livestock Mela on 11-03-2023 from 07:00Am to 01:00Pm at Indra Nagar, Humfrigunj for this mass participation. We have also arranged for Audio Announcement by Auto Rickshaw for two days on 09-03-2023 and 10-03-2023 in all the three Panchayat for wide publicity among the farmers to motivate them to participate in the mela to utilize this opportunity.
Special conditions are as follows:
a. A report on the conduct of the Mela is submitted covering the following points:
i. The Chief Guest and other important guest attended during inauguration of the event – Added in the report.
ii. The Event Conducted during the day: Farmers came eith their animals and visited the staff of Department of Animal Husbandry. The Doctors and staff present in the stall provided treatment to their animals.
No. of animals treated + 29 animals:
ICAR-CIARI, Sr. Scientist of CIARI advised for treatment to the animals on specific diseases and explained about feed management.
Farmers visited the stall + 56 farmers
iii. No. of farmers visited the Mela:
Hundreds of farmers visited the Mela without animals and about 70 farmers visited Mela with their animals. Most of the farmers failed to register their names despite of repeated request.
iv. No. of Farmers/Groups/Individual visited Mela for sale and purchase:
Smti. Meenakshi (SHG) visited the Mela for selling hen, quails egg and quails. Mr. Amit Kumar Sahane, a farmer from Chouldhari visited the Mela for selling his ducks.
Sl.No. |
Sales |
Amount |
1 |
Smti. Meenakshi (Poultry) |
Rs. 5,000/- |
2 |
Mr. Amit Kumar Sahane (Poultry |
Rs. 2,000/- |
3 |
Mr. Ramaswamy (Goat) |
Rs. 34000/- |
4 |
Feed by Global Corporation |
Rs. 47,750/- |
V. Videography and Photography:
The Inaugural function of the Mela was covered b Doordharshan along with the animals present in the Pashu Mela and Youtubers also covered exclusive interview about the Mela. Photography was done during entire event of Mela.
I. To conduct the Mela, stalls were provided to following Departments/Private Agencies:
1.Department of Animal Husbandry
3.Vidya Yuvakendra Foundation
4.Global Corporation for sale of Concentrated Feed
5.State Bank of India
6.A&N State Cooperative Bank
7.Sale counters for SHG & others from Department of Rural Development.
8.Providing of drinking water, refreshment, Lunch etc. During the Mela.